Gita Ayurvedic Cough Syrup (Ayurvedic Medicine)
for relief in cough and cough-related problems
From Gita Bhawan Ayurveda Sansthan, Swargashram, Haridwar (UTTARAKHAND) INDIA. ( Ayurvedic Unit of Gita Press, Gorakhpur)
गीता गीता आयुर्वेदिक कफ़ सीरप
Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine
समस्त प्रकार के कफ़ एवं रोगों में उपयोगी है | यह कफ़ निस्तारक एवं कफ़ शामक भी है | सूखी खांसी में भी उपयोगी है |
Gita Bhawan Ayurved Sansthan
Gita Bhawan Ayurved Sansthan is a unit of Gita Press, Gorakhpur which is leading publisher of Hindu religious books. It is situated at Swargashram (Rishikesh) Uttarakhand.
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