Jatamansi Herb


Jatamansi is a famous ayurvedic herb used in skin diseases. In Sanskrit, it is called as Kantiprada meaning improving complexion and lustre of skin. Charakacharya refers it in kandughna Ghana means it relieves itching. Because of its bitter taste and Pitta balancing quality, it is widely used to purify the blood. Hence useful in skin diseases. Jatamansi, also known as “tapaswani” in Ayurveda, is a perennial, dwarf, hairy, herbaceous and endangered plant species. It acts as a brain tonic and helps to improve memory and brain functions by preventing cell damage due to its antioxidant property.

Jatamansi is used in various Homas/Yagnas/Rituals as a medicinal herb.

sri kashi vedic sansthan

Jatamansi is a famous ayurvedic herb used in skin diseases. In Sanskrit, it is called as Kantiprada meaning improving complexion and lustre of skin. Charakacharya refers it in kandughna Ghana means it relieves itching. Because of its bitter taste and Pitta balancing quality, it is widely used to purify the blood. Hence useful in skin diseases.

Jatamansi, also known as “tapaswani” in Ayurveda, is a perennial, dwarf, hairy, herbaceous and endangered plant species. It acts as a brain tonic and helps to improve memory and brain functions by preventing cell damage due to its antioxidant property. It also calms down the brain and manages anxiety as well as insomnia.

According to Ayurveda, Jatamansi helps in preventing wrinkles due to its Snigdha (oily) nature. It also promotes wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) property. Taking Jatamansi powder along with honey once or twice a day helps to improve memory functions. You can also take Jatamansi tablets or capsules which are also readily available in the market.

Applying Jatamansi oil on the skin helps manage skin infections and prevents ageing due to its antifungal and antioxidant activities. Jatamansi is also good for hair growth as it helps to increase the follicular size and elongate the growth phase of hair. Applying Jatamansi oil helps to promote hair growth. Jatamansi root paste can also be applied on hair to improve hair strength and growth.

Jatamansi is used in various Homas/Yagnas/Rituals as a medicinal herb.

Weight 10 g

10 gms, 25 gms, 50gms, 100gms


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