Feng Shui lucky Tortoise


Effects of keeping tortoise at home

  • Tortoise attracts positive energy. Keeping it in your bedroom can solve the problem of Insomnia.
  • Tortoise also attracts wealth, prosperity, peace, good fortune, strength.
  • The long-life cycle of the tortoise symbolizes immortality.
  • Keeping tortoise in water doubles its effect.
  • It is also helpful in nourishing a good career.
  • Tortoise brings firmness to your personal and professional life
  • Tortoise figurines should always be placed facing the east direction.

Set of 1 Crystal Bowl and 1 Crystal Tortoise


There are a number of animal figurines that are considered lucky, according to Feng Shui, such as the green dragon, red phoenix, white tiger and tortoise. The tortoise, in Chinese mythology, is considered as a spiritual creature that signifies longevity. It also helps in focusing the positive energy in the house.

To help you understand the benefits and right placement of tortoise figurines at home, here is a guide, for you to make the most of this Feng Shui element.

Feng Shui Lucky Crystal Tortoise

Where to keep tortoise at home for positive energy?

Tortoise figures can be placed in the backyard, for stabilising the positive energy at home.

The tortoise can also be placed at the entrance, to protect your home from negative energies.

Placing the tortoise figurine close to an artificial waterfall or fish tank is considered very lucky for the household.

Place the tortoise in your ‘Tien Yi’ direction, as it can help you in fighting illness. To determine your Tien Yi direction, you need to know your Kua number which can be calculated by adding the digits of your year of birth, till you get a single digit. Now, females should add four to this number while males should subtract 11 from this number, to get the Kua number.

If you place the tortoise near the bed, it will help you in dealing with anxiety and insomnia. You can keep it beside your child’s bed if he/she is afraid of sleeping alone.

  • Do not place the tortoise in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • Keeping the tortoise in the east, the north or the north-west is considered good for home and career.

Where to keep tortoise at home for wish-fulfilment?

According to Feng Shui, the tortoise can be used for wish-fulfilment, as well. However, for this, you need to buy a tortoise made of metal that can be opened. Write down a wish on yellow paper and keep this inside the tortoise and close it. Place this tortoise on a red cloth and keep it in a place where you can see it every day. Once your wish is fulfilled, remove the paper from the metal tortoise.

Where to keep tortoise at home for career growth?

Place a metal figurine or painting of a black tortoise in the living room or the workplace. The tortoise figurine should have a Chinese coin in its mouth, as it represents growth in income.

To ensure career growth, position the statue in a way that it faces the main door.

Place the black tortoise in the north, near water features such as fountains or fish tanks, for career growth.

There are different types of tortoises available; made of metal, crystal, wood and stone. A stone tortoise should be placed near the main entrance, if it faces the west direction, while a metal tortoise should be placed in the north or the north-west direction. Similarly, a crystal tortoise should be placed in the south-west or the north-west direction. An earthen or wooden tortoise can be placed in the east or south-east direction of your home.

Types of tortoise

To avoid any ill-effects, you should know that every turtle figurine serves a different purpose. Let us see what the different types are and where they should be placed.

Metal tortoise

Metal turtles should be put in the north or the north-west direction. Such figurines attract good fortune into the lives of children, sharpen their minds and boost their concentration.

Wooden tortoise

All wooden turtles or tortoises should be put in the east or south-east corner as it tends to remove negative energies from your home. It is also beneficial for bringing positivity to the life of your family members.

Female tortoise

Female turtle is one of the popular types of figurines that symbolise children and family. Place this turtle in your home to avoid any disputes within the family.

Type of tortoise                Placement

Metal tortoise                    North or north-west

Wooden tortoise               East or south-east

Glass/Crystal tortoise      South-west or north-west

Stone tortoise                    West

Best day to place a tortoise

According to Vastu experts, weekdays such as Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, are considered to be the best days to place tortoise figurines in the house. You can also consult the local priest or choose the auspicious time according to the Panchang (Hindu Calendar).

Effects of keeping tortoise at home

  • Tortoise attracts positive energy. Keeping it in your bedroom can solve the problem of Insomnia.
  • Tortoise also attracts wealth, prosperity, peace, good fortune, strength.
  • The long-life cycle of the tortoise symbolizes immortality.
  • Keeping tortoise in water doubles its effect.
  • It is also helpful in nourishing a good career.
  • Tortoise brings firmness to your personal and professional life
  • Tortoise figurines should always be placed facing the east direction.