Gita Tulsi Arka ( Medicinal Plant Extracts)

(1 customer review) 192 sold


Benefits of Gita Tulsi Arka ( Medicinal Plant Extracts ):

Tulsi Arka is a good appetizer and better for the heart. It is highly beneficial in leprosy, urinary disorders, Blood Problems and Back Pain. It is also useful in elimination Cough, Cold and wind Diseases. The regular use of this Arka will increase immunity Power of body naturally.

Net Vol: 500 ml.

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Gita bhawan ayurveda
Benefits of Gita Tulsi Arka ( Medicinal Plant Extracts ):

Tulsi Arka is a good appetizer and better for the heart. It is highly beneficial in leprosy, urinary disorders, Blood Problems and Back Pain. It is also useful in elimination Cough, Cold and wind Diseases. The regular use of this Arka will increase immunity Power of body naturally.

गीता तुलसी अर्क (तुलसी पंचांग से निर्मित शुद्ध अर्क) के लाभ :

तुलसी का अर्क, अग्नि का दीपन करने वाला, ह्रदय के लिए हितकारी है | यह कुष्ठ रोग, मुत्रविकार, रक्त विकार, कमरशूल, के लिए अत्यंत लाभदायक है | यह कफ तथा वात को नष्ट करता है इसके प्रतिदिन सेवन करने से शारीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ती है |

Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine

A quality product from Gita Bhawan Ayurved Sansthan.

Ayurvedic Gita Tulsi Arka.
Weight 532 g


Gita Bhawan Ayurved Sansthan

Gita Bhawan Ayurved Sansthan is a unit of Gita Press, Gorakhpur which is leading publisher of Hindu religious books. It is situated at Swargashram (Rishikesh) Uttarakhand.
Gita bhawan ayurveda

1 review for Gita Tulsi Arka ( Medicinal Plant Extracts)

    July 16, 2023
    Good product for health.
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