Indra Jau ( इंद्र जौ )


100% Naturally Grown Indra Jau

Indra Jau is used in various Homas/Yagnas/Rituals as a herb.

sri kashi vedic sansthan


Indrajao is a deciduous shrub or a small tree, growing up to 3 ms high. The short stem has pale bark and several branches. Oppositely arranges, ovate, obtusely acuminate leaves are 10-20 cm long. Leaf stalks are very short. White flowers appear in corymb-like cymes, 5-15 cm across, at the end of branches. Flowers have five white petals 2-3 cm long which turn cream-yellow as they age. The flowers are beautiful with oblong petals which are rounded at the tip and remind one of frangipani.

Medicinal uses: It is a medicinal plant in Ayurveda. One of its botanical synonyms Holarrhena antidysenterica says it all. It is one of the best drugs for Diarrhoea. In chronic diarrhoea & to check blood coming from the stool, it should be given with Isobgol, castor oil or Indrayav. According to Ayurveda, the bark is useful in the treatment of piles, skin diseases, and biliousness. The bark is used externally in case of skin troubles. The bark is mostly mixed with cow urine and applies it in affected parts. In the treatment of urinary troubles, the bark is given with cow milk. The fresh juice of bark is considered good to check diarrhoea. In Bleeding piles Decoction of Kutaj bark with sunshine checks mucus & blood. The application of this herb is useful in Rh. Arthritis & Osteoarthritis.

Commonly known as: bitter oleander, cavessi bark, common holarrhena, coneru, conessi bark, dysentery rose bay, easter tree, ivory tree, kurchi bark, Tellicherry bark, white angel • Hindi: karva indrajau, kurchi, kutaja, inderjau,indarjau, inder jau, Indar jau, • Assamese: dhulkari, dudkhuri • Bengali: kurchi, kutaja • Gujarati: drowda, kudakari•Kannada: koodsaloo, korchie • Konkani: kudo • Malayalam: kutakappaala • Marathi: indrajav, kodaga, kodaga pala, kutaja,pandhra kuda • Oriya: kherwa, korwa, kurwa, pitakorwa • Punjabi: keor, kewar • Sanskrit: indrayava, kutaja, sakraparyaaya, sakraasana, vatsaka • Tamil: kirimllikai, kutaca-p-palai, mlaimllikai • Telugu: girimallika, kodisepala, kolamukku, kondamalle, kutajamu.