Srimadbhagwat Gita ( 18th Chapter in Hindi ) श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता ( केवल अट्ठारहवा अध्याय हिंदी में )


Srimad Bhagwat Gita in Hindi only eighteenth chapter (Pocket Size)

This is the holiest book of the Hindu religion and is considered as the sound of god itself. This book shows the human being a way of life.

This is a special edition of the Srimad Bhagwat Gita in which only the 18th Chapter is given in Hindi. The conclusion of the entire Bhagwat Gita is given in this last and 18th chapter.

People can keep, read and also distribute to others for the awakening of knowledge of Bhagwat Gita and can get the purpose of their life.

Pages : 32

In fact, no one has the ability to describe through the great voice of Srimad Bhagavad Gita; Because it is an absolute mystical text. It contains a summary of the entire Vedas. Its Sanskrit is so beautiful and simple that by a little practice a person can understand it easily; but its meaning is so serious that even after practicing continuously for a lifetime, it does not come to an end. Every day new feelings are generated, due to this it always remains new and by concentrating with reverence and devotion, its footsteps seem to be the ultimate secret. Other treatise meetings are just as the Gita scribes described the attributes, influences, and poignancy of God; because of preference: some worldly subject is found in the texts.

In this Gita Shastra, there is the right of human only, whether it is situated in any varna, ashram; But God must have devotees and devotees; Because God has given the command to propagate it among his devotees and also said that women, Vaishyas, Shudras, and Papayonis would also have attained the ultimate gati by becoming my companion.

Are (A1 verse 32); By worshipping me by their natural workers, human beings attain supreme attainments (A14 Verse 4) – By considering all these, it is known that everyone has the right to attain God.

But because of not understanding the heart of the subject, many people, who have heard only the name of Shrigitaji, say that the Gita is only for ascetics; They do not make their children practice Shrigitaji with the same fear that with the knowledge of the Gita, the boy may not leave the house and become a monk; But they should consider that Arjuna, who was disinherited by Kshetra religion because of attachment, was willing to live with the food of begging and did his duty as a lifelong householder with the teachings of the most mysterious Gita, which is the opposite result of that Gita Shastra Can type?

Therefore, it is appropriate for those who wish for welfare, to abandon the temptation and study their children with utmost devotion and devotion with meaning and emotion, and while reading and meditating on their own, they should be ready to do the means according to the Lord’s order It is not appropriate to waste even a single moment of your precious time after receiving a very rare human body in the suffering of painful moments.

Weight 11 g
Dimensions 12 × 8.5 cm


Geetapress Gorakhpur


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