Scented Chandan Tika (Tilak Chandan)


Scented Chandan Tika (Tilak Chandan) has a pleasant fragrance and it is made of purified clay, herbs and natural attar. It comes in different colours as offered to the deities. Putting tilak on forehead brings calm and peacefulness.

Guru Chandan: (Yellow Colour ) Lord Vishnu, Brishaspati Bhagwan
Devi Chandan: (Red Colour) Mata Durga, Parvati and other deities.
Rama Chandan:  (Saffron Colour) Lord Rama and Swami Ayyappa
Sangam Chandan : ( Redish Saffron Colour )  used by many devotees as per their belief.
Tulsi Chandan : (White Colour) for devotees who use White colour Tilak.

Yellow Colour

Bhawani Ashtagandha Chandan

Scented Chandan Tika (Tilak Chandan) has a pleasant fragrance and it is made of purified clay, herbs and natural attar. It comes in different colours as offered to the deities. Putting tilak on forehead brings calm and peacefulness.

Guru Chandan: (Yellow Colour ) Lord Vishnu, Brishaspati Bhagwan
Devi Chandan: (Red Colour) Mata Durga, Parvati and other deities.
Rama Chandan:  (Saffron Colour) Lord Rama and Swami Ayyappa
Sangam Chandan : ( Redish Saffron Colour )  used by many devotees as per their belief.
Tulsi Chandan : (White Colour) for devotees who use White colour Tilak.

Tilak is applied on the spot that lies between our eyebrows- the ajna chakra- which is the seat of all human thoughts and past memories.

It is an established scientific fact that the entire human body emanates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Ajna chakra does so all the more vigorously. That is why when one is tense or anxious, a great deal of body heat is generated that gives one a headache. This biological fact was realized by our great seers and saints thousands of years ago. They, therefore, devised a method to safeguard this spot on the forehead as also to prevent loss of energy. After intense study and research, they found that sandalwood or Chandan paste, turmeric and Kesar or saffron are quite effective if applied on the ajna chakra. The individual will remain calm and controlled, with no undue energy loss.

However, there is a spiritual explanation too. The tilak invokes a feeling of sanctity in the wearer and also in the onlooker. It is considered a religious mark, and its shape and colour varied according to the deity one worships.

Further, Vaishnavities wear a chandan tilak in ‘U’ shape, whereas Shaivities have a tripundra or three horizontal lines across the forehead drawn with bhashma. Devi worshippers apply a red dot of kumkum.